On Tuesday October 10th the Victorian State Government Treasurer, the Hon. Tim Pallas and the Member for Preston, Nathan Lambert, visited NCAT. The Treasurer, in his capacity as the Minister for Industrial Relations, had earlier this year signed off on the initial 12-month funding for the Bring It On! Project Worker, Brigitte Reinbold.
The Project supports the NCAT Young Women in Trades and Technology Group who are working with local colleges, companies, unions and employer groups to encourage other young school-age women to consider studies and employment in Trades and Technology.
Bring It On! is the only school-based project of this nature in Victoria and the Treasurer visited NCAT specifically to meet with members of the NCAT Young Women in Trades & Technology Group and their Industry Partners. During his visit the Treasurer listened intently to members of the Young Women in Trades & Technology Group as they explained what they were studying and what industry sector they hoped to work in after they leave school.
The Minister and the College Principal co-signed and presented a Certificate of Appreciation to the Industry Team Members which includes New Plumbing Solutions, QA Electrical, Hutchinsons Builders, A&A Cabinet Impressions, Civil Infrastructure Group, the CFMEU, Women in Plumbing Vic and Northern Workwear and Safety. The Minister also witnessed the sign off on a Code of Respectful Conduct developed by Industry Team Members.
In his closing comments, the Minister congratulated the students, industry and community partners and all involved in the Bring It On! Project saying that women have a right to equality of employment in all industry sectors and that a “Woman’s place is where they want it to be”.
“Education and training are vital, and so are attitudes in the workplace. Every workplace conversation, policy or action can reinforce or challenge the beliefs and norms that drive inequity.”
– Tim Pallas, Minister for Industrial Relations
“NCAT is an outstanding school that constantly looks for new ways to break down barriers and entrenched ways of thinking about education and careers. We’ll keep backing schools that produce amazing results for their students.”
– Ben Carroll, Minister for Education