
Online Application

Enrolment infomation

    This application form is to attend NCAT on a full-time basis. This is not a VETiS Application Form (one day a week); please contact your childs home school VET Coordinator if you need assistance with a VETiS application.

    1. Personal Details

    2. Primary Contact

    3. Course Details

    [group group-year-10]
    [/group] [group group-year-vce] [/group] [group group-preapprenticeship-trade] [/group] [group group-create] [/group] [group group-folio-preperation] [/group] [group group-photography] [/group] [group group-music-industry] [/group] [group group-music-instrument-making] [/group] [group group-other-interests] [/group]

    4. Education/Employment